Meet the PocketQube team: ArduiQube

March 12 2014

We have been talking to the some of the teams on the front line of the PocketQube revolution. This blog features Gustavo of the Arduiqube team, a 1p PocketQube project as well as the first south american PQ and the first arduino based PocketQube. 

How did you hear about PocketQube?

I heard about pocketqube about two years ago, when I was compiling information about cubesat and tripped over the news of the development of a unit smaller than a cubesat, the pocketqube.

Tell us a bit about your PocketQube Project

The ARDUIQUBE, or Arduino PocketQube, is a simple testbed that want to measure the vital and attitude parameters of a satellite.

Where did the idea come from, what is the objective?

Our project is mainly oriented for educational purposes. We want to be the Kitty Hawk or Ford T of the pocketqube. Made with simple elements, that any group of students can find and begin working without high costs. That's why  we choose an ARDUINO processor. It's simple and popular around the world for students and hobbyists to get into electronics.

What do you do outside building your PocketQube?

I work in a science institute as electronic technician in the navigation office. This office deals with the study and development of IMU. I'm  amateur radio, my callsign is LW2DTZ  and this activity attracted to the amateur satellite activity.

What does the future hold?

It is a lot of intrigue that always goes on topics to predict and know what is the future that awaits us. In the pocketqube field's the future is great, if we can skip the launcher obstacle. In the past  Cubesat have begun timidly and today the space is full of these, so extrapolating is mandatory, the future is auspicious. 

What are your top tips for budding PocketQube builder?

Keep it simple, stupid. Make a simple and strong construction. Be practical, don’t try to reinvent the wheel, in most of the occasions there is a solution at hand. Test and test all the times you can. And remember that perfect is enemy of the good.

What is your definition of success?

Success can be measured from different points of view and, therefore, there is no single definition of it. Success is not an end in itself, it is the natural result of personal work, which is born and is built from ourselves. Being successful is feeling good about yourself and put our ARDUIQUBE in orbit in the near future will help with this feeling.


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